Lamont Christian Reformed Church
Our Staff

Pastor Terry Slachter - Lead Pastor
Pastor Terry began his ministry with us in August of 2016. He is also serves as the executive director of Reaching America Ministries. This ministry encourages and equips local churches to pray and sow the message of the Gospel in their neighborhoods.
Pastor Terry has a graduate degree from Calvin Theological Seminary and a post-graduate degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where he studied the great spiritual awakenings of the 18th and 19th centuries. In the past 25 years, he has pastored churches in Grand Rapids, MI; Indianapolis, IN; and Dearborn, MI.
Terry and his wife, Carmen, are also proud parents of two grown daughters and the grandparents of two very spoiled grandsons.

Jennifer Bosch - Finance Assistant
Jennifer Bosch has been working in the church office since 2006. She is responsible for the bookkeeping and other administrative tasks at Lamont Church.

Luanne Modderman - Office Assistant
Luanne Modderman is responsible for the weekly bulletin, bi-monthly newsletter, Lamont Ledger, publication, mailings, and scheduling.

Kyle and Heidi Parcher
Children and Youth Ministry Directors
The Parchers lead our Wednesday night kids ministry called “Kids Club” and our Sr. High Youth Groups
Jim & Trudy Storteboom - Church Custodians
Jim & Trudy Storteboom faithfully care for the Lamont Church building each week.